Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Port Townsend Paper is NOT Telling the TRUTH and the WHOLE Truth. They Make Stuff UP, you Believe it and Wish for JOBS. You don't NEED a JOB, you NEED Money. They get FREE MONEY. You Get Poison

A while back I saw a Guy, can't remember his name, he was speaking at a Port Townsend Commissioner meeting, one of the things he talked about was the money he had got via grants for the Port Townsend Paper Mill.

FIND out how much MONEY they have got in Block Grants or any kind of grant or FREE MONEY program. Why not give that directly to the people instead of poisoning everyone and calling it a JOB.

Find Out who is really getting MONEY from all this. Demand that Jefferson County tell you EVERY detail about what they do to GIVE to the Billionaires that own the Port Townsend Paper Mill. Demand to know what the Port Townsend Paper Mill gave and GIVES to Jefferson County Health for their SILENCE and aiding and abetting the poisoning of you and your children.

Why does the Washington Department of Ecology and the EPA protect the Port Townsend Paper MILL? It is way more then the Jobs. The money spent on corruption, pay offs, grants could go directly to the people instead of creating a JOB that is poisoning 12 MILLION gallons of fresh pure mountain water EVERY DAY. Then taking that toxic acidic water and putting it into the Port Townsend Bay and polluting the entire body of water it filters out into.

THIS IS NOT OK.  You don't need a JOB, you need MONEY. They get MONEY from your GOVERNMENT and then create toxic jobs to keep you busy and your head in the sand.

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